Tim Ryan Thinks ‘Every Aspect of Society’ Should Be Focused on Curbing Climate Change


Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH-13) said that if he’s elected president he would make sure “every aspect of society” is focused on curbing climate change.

Ryan recently sat down with The New York Times for its “Meet the Candidates” series where he answered a number of questions about his presidential platform.

“I do. Yes. We have to marshal every aspect of our society, our government, our free enterprise system, our educational institutions, our venture capital—all has to be pointing in the direction of reversing climate change,” Ryan said in response to whether he thinks it’s possible for the next president to stop climate change.

“I think if we do it right, if we engage the free enterprise system, if we align the environmental incentives with the financial incentives, that we can actually do it a lot quick than most people think,” he added.

On the issue of health care, Ryan reiterated his belief that the country needs to “move towards a single-payer system.”

“We need to move towards a single-payer system,” he told The Times. I think the natural next step is to have some public option for people to be able to buy affordable, accessible, quality health care. We tried really hard during the Obamacare debates to get the public option in. I think that is the natural next step for us to take.”

During the interview, Ryan said he doesn’t “think that there’s any question” that President Donald Trump has “obstructed justice.”

“You know, you don’t have to be a Philadelphia lawyer to figure out that when your own legal counsel tells you not to talk to Jeff Sessions because it will be obstruction of justice. And a few days later, you pull him aside at Mar-a-Lago and have conversations with him about the very topic they didn’t want you talking to him about, that it is a crime,” Ryan claimed.

Ryan’s full interview with The Times can be viewed here.

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News, The Ohio Star, and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Tim Ryan” by Friends of Tim Ryan.




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One Thought to “Tim Ryan Thinks ‘Every Aspect of Society’ Should Be Focused on Curbing Climate Change”

  1. Russ Crouch

    If ANYONE could explain how the climate has not ALWAYS been changing, what a huge amount of money, that is asked for , can do about it, maybe, just maybe they would not sound like they are full of it. Somebody is making a huge amount of money from this new “regligion”
